SIE-2021, the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Associazione Società Italiana di Elettronica (SIE), will be held in Trieste, Italy from July 7 to 9, 2021. An International Graduate School for PhD students in Electronics is also organized by SIE and will be held before the meeting from July 5 to 7, 2021.
Given the Covid-19 pandemic, to guarantee the safety and a broad participation in the conference, the meeting and the school will be mixed mode events: attendees and presenters, students and lecturers will be able to attend the conference and the school online or in presence.
The SIE-2021 Annual Meeting will include invited lectures involving experts in state-of-the-art topics, oral sessions, round tables, live demonstrations and selected expositions, with the goal of complementing the regular program with emerging topics of particular interest to the Italian Electronics community and to discuss research results in the following areas:
Area |
Research Field |
1 | Integrated Circuits and Systems (Sistemi elettronici integrati) |
2 | Micro- and Nano-Electronic Devices (Dispositivi micro e nano elettronici) |
3 | Microwave Electronics (Elettronica delle microonde ed onde millimetriche) |
4 | Sensors, Microsystems and Instrumentation (Sensori, microsistemi e strumentazione) |
5 | Optoelectronics and Photonics (Optoelettronica e fotonica) |
6 | Power Electronics (Elettronica di potenza e applicazioni industriali) |
7 | Electronic Systems and Applications (Sistemi elettronici e applicazioni) |